President’s Report
2018/19 Season
With Bruce stepping down at the end of last season, I was not sure what my first season as club president was going to bring, however, I am happy to report another successful season both on and off the field. This was largely due to the support and huge number of voluntary hours the committee has put into the club again this year and so I would like to start with a big thank you to the committee.
Specifically, Martin and Ross, for the amazing work they have contributed again this year to running the junior club, it is amazing to see the growth and success continue. Sam and Paul for all the hours they have put into organising the senior teams, I know it was a bit of struggle some weeks and Bruce for looking after and preparing the pitches and ground each week.
I would also like to acknowledge and thank our tireless Volunteers/Parents/Coaches and Helpers. Without them a successful club cannot operate. They are the lifeblood of a great club and most of the time go about their business without guidance, prompting and without any thought of gratitude. They are our humble heroes.
Lastly, to the players, I hope you have enjoyed your season and I look forward to seeing you all back again next season. You have been a credit to the club and I thank you all for that.
Now for a few of the highlights of the 18/19 season:
Junior prize-giving – One of my first jobs as club president was to attend the junior club prize giving and hand out the awards to our budding junior boys and girls and I must say, having seen the number of people that attended this day, it is really encouraging to know that our club has a really strong base.
Senior club prize-giving – This year we reinstated the senior club prize giving, which was well attended and this is something we need to continue to do in the coming years.
The Pavilion – During this season I had the privilege to speak as the Weedons Cricket Club representative at the opening of the New Pavilion, when it was opened by Sam Broughton and Amy Adams. The pavilion is a great new building and sets the club up for many years to come. It was also great to see so many of our life members make the effort to come to the opening and reconnect with the club.
Team performances – It was great to see so many of the teams perform well in their respective grades and to also see several players go on to higher honours. Well done.
Finally, I am happy to report the future looks very bright for the club. We are in a financially strong position with no debt, we have a stable and knowledgeable committee and with the addition of our club administrator in Janine Grundler, we have started to improve our communication throughout the club. We have also introduced some new initiatives with the forming of a new Junior committee, to help give the junior club a stronger say in our clubs direction. We have recently put some structure around our senior cricket players and teams with new Management, Coaches and club rules to make sure we deliver on our potential and finally we have a strong player base of cricketers at all levels.
Jared McGregor Weedons Cricket Club President
A special thanks to our Platinum and Gold Sponsors