President’s Report
2019/20 Season
I am happy to report another successful season both on and off the field. This was largely due to the support and a huge number of voluntary hours the Committee has put into the club again this year and so I would like to start with a big thank you to the Committee.
Martin and Ross, for the amazing work you have contributed again this year, it is great to see the growth and success continues in the Junior Club. Sam and Paul for all the hours you have put into organising the Senior teams and Bruce for looking after and preparing the pitches and ground each week.
I would also like to acknowledge and welcome some new Committee members, Mike Johnston, Nivethanan Thiraviam and Stu Rooney. Gentlemen it has been great having you on the Committee and I look forward to you contributing for many years to come.
I would also like to thank our tireless Volunteers/Parents/Coaches and Helpers. Without you, a successful club cannot operate. You are the lifeblood of our great club and most of the time go about your business without guidance, prompting and sometimes without any thought or gratitude.
Lastly, to the players, I hope you have enjoyed your season and I look forward to seeing you all back again next season.
Now for a few of the highlights of the 19/20 season:
Black Caps Visit – In February the Club hosted the local Canterbury ANZ Black Caps training session for junior cricketers in the area. This meant many of our junior members got to meet and spend some time with their cricketing hero’s and the day was a huge success for the Club and our members. Thanks to everyone involved.
Senior Club prize giving – This was again held at the Silver Dollar and was well attended by senior players from all grades and it is something we need to continue to do in the coming years.
Team performances – It was great to see so many of the teams perform well in their respective grades and to also see several players go on to higher honours. Well done.
Finally, I am happy to report the future still looks very bright for the Club. We are in a financially strong position with no debt, we have a stable and knowledgeable Committee and our playing numbers continue to grow. This I feel puts us in the best possible position to cope with the uncertainty and pressure that COVID-19 will bring to the 2020-21 season.
Jared McGregor Weedons Cricket Club President
A special thanks to our Platinum and Gold Sponsors