
Weedons Cricket Club has a number of New Zealand Cricket Accredited Coaches at different coaching levels as well as Coaches and Helpers that have received formal training.


We encourage all parents or guardians to get involved with coaching at any level. If you are new to the Club and would like to know more about this, please talk to any Club Member. We are always looking for Coaches to help our young players develop their cricketing skills. Our volunteer Coaches and Helpers are dedicated and skilled and do a great job every week to ensure our Saturday teams perform and enjoy themselves.

Professional Coaching

As parents, we often want to challenge our children. If you are wanting some more in-depth or one-on-one coaching, our club can assist with directing you to qualified Coaches who can provide technical and skilled assistance on a pay-by-hour basis. 

Our Sponsors

Weedons Cricket Club would like to thank the following sponsors who kindly assist our club:

Platinum Sponsor

Najib logo

Gold Sponsors

Intelligro Logo
Intelligro Logo

Weedons Eggs

Silver Sponsors

Quipcheck Logo
Silver Dollar Bar & Restaurant Logo

Other Sponsors

Premier Men’s Sponsors

  • Selwyn Print
  • Halter
  • Mota Mova
  • Harmans Lawyers
  • Moa Brewing Co
  • Rossendale Winery
  • Motus Health
  • Dynasty Sport
  • Child Cancer Foundation - Charity